Saturday, August 13, 2011

97.1 Hank FM American Idol Education Contest

So, a few weeks ago, my buddy from work, Andrew, was flipping through his radio stations and stumbled upon an add for this contest that was being hosted by a local country radio station.  He immediately thought of me and suggested that I enter into the contest. 

I offered many excuses to prevent me from entering into the contest:  1) I didn't have a YouTube video.  2)  The judges would have to go through a commercial and three minutes of interview for the only professional video I owned.  3)  I am clearly not of the country genre.

With those excuses, Andrew proceeded to continue his persistence.  He would not allow "no" for an answer.  After the back-and-forth discussion, he finally convinced me to submit my video.  Two days later, we found out I was a finalist.

So, long story short, after four days of brutal patience, constant promotion, and edge-of-the-seat feelings, voters decided to have me win the contest!  In a few weeks, I will be traveling to Houston, TX, compliments of 97.1 Hank FM and Universal Records.  There, I will have the pleasure and opportunity to audition for season 11 of American Idol with priority placement in line.  Also, I will have the opportunity to meet last year's winner and runner-up.  What an opportunity and blessing!  Thanks for all the votes, support, and encouragement.  See you in Houston!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Big Apple

This past week, my wife and I spent our time in New York City.  There are a few things about the city that I would like to record regarding our trip that made lasting impressions on me:

1.  Seeing a Broadway musical is a must!  Without a doubt, the greatest thing we did was attend Wicked at the infamous Gershwin Theatre.  Unbelievable!  At first, I had my doubts about whether I would be interested in the musical, to be quite honest.  Right before intermission, the lead sang Defying Gravity and I was blown away!  If you're going to do the Big Apple, you have to take the time to see a musical.
2.  The smells of the city made me appreciate the Midwest that much more.  Thank you, Indiana, for boasting distinct pleasant spring, summer, fall, and winter smells.  Thank you, New York City, for boasting one constant odor after the other.
3.  We got to go up into the crown of the Statue of Liberty.  What a view, what a great historical experience, and what a great experience overall!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Work and My "Other Life"

As June slowly passes by and July creeps into view, I decided to take this time to chat a bit about what people have called my "other life".  What is considered my "other life" is really just another facet, or puzzle piece if you will, of my life as a whole.

My passion lies with music, first and foremost, but I also have other aspirations and goals.  In order to pay the bills (you know, those bills have keep the lights on and put food on the table), I work as an accountant. Yes, that would be a numbers-crunching, tax-return-preparing accountant.  While music satisfies the one half of my brain that thrives and lives on creativity, accountancy satisfies the other half of my brain that strives for order and detail.  This characteristics I believe help me be both a better musician as well as a better accountant.  I think the world has pushed people into the direction of being either "left brained" or "right brained".  To that I say, I would prefer to use my entire brain.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog Initiation

Hello all!  This marks the first of what I hope to be many blog posts.  Based on our current relationship status, I figured I would go ahead and get the DTR out of the way.  I have never blogged before.  In fact, I always felt like blogging was another way to prevent face-to-face social interaction.  However, because we (by "we" I mean myself and the reader of this post) are in a long-distance blog relationship, I figured the best way to stay in touch would be, well, via blog. 

With that said, I think I will like to blog.  You, obviously, like to blog if you are reading this.  So that creates something we have in common (the first step to a friendship).  I may not know you or ever meet you, but I hope you enjoy getting to know me better as a musician.  Through this "blog experience", I hope that you connect a little bit more on a deeper level with the music, lyrics, and structure of the songs I compose in order to reflect on life, love, joy, pain, and maybe all that lies between the spectrum of those emotions.