Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog Initiation

Hello all!  This marks the first of what I hope to be many blog posts.  Based on our current relationship status, I figured I would go ahead and get the DTR out of the way.  I have never blogged before.  In fact, I always felt like blogging was another way to prevent face-to-face social interaction.  However, because we (by "we" I mean myself and the reader of this post) are in a long-distance blog relationship, I figured the best way to stay in touch would be, well, via blog. 

With that said, I think I will like to blog.  You, obviously, like to blog if you are reading this.  So that creates something we have in common (the first step to a friendship).  I may not know you or ever meet you, but I hope you enjoy getting to know me better as a musician.  Through this "blog experience", I hope that you connect a little bit more on a deeper level with the music, lyrics, and structure of the songs I compose in order to reflect on life, love, joy, pain, and maybe all that lies between the spectrum of those emotions. 

1 comment:

  1. Cool Joe. I'll follow your blog! Rock on. BTW I just checked out the State Fair site tonight and we're listed on the concert list! Did you tell us it's a 2 hour time slot?!?!? Guess we'll have to learn some other songs and practice some this summer. I'm pumped. I think that will be a fun show.
